Collection: Regular Tingkat!
Many may know of tingkat as a food delivery service that sends home-cooked meals to families. But do you know that tingkat has changed over the years, bringing convenience and good food to families in Singapore? Here are some of the reasons why we’re proud to do our special home tingkat dinner delivery in Singapore for you.
Working families
We know that many families in Singapore have two working parents, often working 9-5 shifts that make it hard for them to cook home-cooked meals. But growing in a traditional family, we still want to provide that home-cooked food experience to our children and family. Tingkat food delivery offers just that.
We also know of families that cook an additional 1-2 dishes at home to add-on to our tingkat dinner menus as a base. On top of the great food from your tingkat delivery, you can cook an extra dish or two at home to supplement the delivered food. This ensures that you get good food from us alongside your favourite food that your parents have whipped up at home – the best of both worlds.
Good food from professional chefs
Fatty Daddy Kedan is a professional chef who incorporates Nonya, Hainanese and Hokkien flavours into the meals we cook. All his years of experience as a professional chef are contained in every single tingkat delivery we send out, and we’re looking forward to hearing what food you enjoy the most from our menu. We also utilise a huge range of ingredients, new dishes and menus, and new techniques as our chefs find better ways to bring affordable, healthy good food to your table. So if you are looking for a great-tasting tingkat dinner delivery in Singapore, we know that you will look forward to the food cooked by professionals on your dinner table every day.
Delicious meals from FattyDaddyFattyMummy
Our regular tingkat menu includes fresh food as well as various house-hold favourites like nghoh hiang and fried wontons to ensure affordability and variety. Still, you have our assurance that food on this menu:
- Uses low sodium salt
- Uses healthier canola oil
- Uses less salt and oil in our dishes
- Uses zero MSG and artificial flavours
We believe that good food comes with proper technique and fresh ingredients. Thus, the lack of MSG and other artificial flavours aren’t an issue, and we do not need that extra salt and oil to make up for the taste. So you have our promise that we won’t skimp on our quality that you get the very best home-cooked food – the same that we’ll feed our own family at home!
Important Information To Note:
- Delivery Time: 3-7pm (no choosing of time), weekdays only
- Delivery to residential areas only.
Regular Tingkat menu contains processed food. Check out Love, Tingkat! Menu for our zero processed food/canned food menu.
Contract will be auto-renewed as a form of reminder to you at the end of your contract. Please let us know 3 working days in advance if you wish to amend or stop your contract. Contract will be automatically renewed if we do not hear from you.

Click the image below for pricing details & to place order.